Learning center for students with autism, intellectual disabilities set to open in Menasha
Rep Van Orden tours Chileda
Terri Gowey Article
Chileda adds new “Snoezelen” room for kids to help with anxiety
Chileda says don’t snooze on Snoezelen
Chileda offers SibShops at new facility
There are new staff developments at Chileda
Students at Chileda learn, thrive and grow
New program is helping kids with autism gain their independence
Lifelike mural at Chileda Shine transforms more than just the space
Chileda Institute students benefit from Tools for Schools grant
Chileda steps up Autism awareness efforts
La Crosse’s Chileda Institute featured on national television
Rep Van Orden Tours Chileda
(608) 782-6480 info@chileda.org
1825 Victory St La Crosse, WI 54601